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Welcome to the "Shalom To Your Heart Project!
This virtual library is a collection of resources gathered by Brian Newman of Psalm 16 Resource and Equipping Ministry (an R.E.M. Model of Ministry).
This virtual library is a way to help both seekers and ministers find information from experts and leading voices in the chosen field of study or interest or to get help in ways that brings Shalom to their Lives, their Families, their Ministries and their Hearts. Psalm 16 built this library in such a way that is makes all major viewpoints available in one location to assist in learning.
Psalm 16 Ministry has also provided multiple avenues for connecting with other believers to build community and practical resources to help your dreams grow. Use of this Virtual Library is FREE.
If you find the videos or articles helpful then consider ordering a book by the presenter, subscribing to their channel, or if a musician, going to their show or purchasing their music.
Links are at the bottoms of the pages.
Reach out to Brian Newman (Psalm 16 and The Dream Helper Network Founder) with any questions.